
2014年3月30日 (日) 23:14時点におけるTaku.oshino (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版)

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このモジュールについての説明文ページを Module:Technique/doc に作成できます
local p = {}

local linguistic =  require('Module:Linguistic')
local synonyms = require('Module:Technique/synonyms')
local declension = require('Module:Declension')
local fallback = require( 'Module:Fallback' )

function notsupportederror(term, sortkey)
	local text = mw.text.decode('<red>' .. term .. '</red>')
	local errorcat =  mw.text.decode( '[[Category:Pages with incorrect template usage/Technique|' .. sortkey .. ']]')
	return  text .. errorcat

function makegroup(noun, adj, langpage, lang, case) -- turn a adj + noun group into a human-readable string
	-- I preprocess parameters
	if not noun or mw.text.trim(noun) == '' then 
		return nil
	if not noun then return "no noun" end
	noun = string.lower(mw.text.trim(noun))
	if adj and mw.text.trim(adj) ~= '' then 
		adj =  string.lower(mw.text.trim(adj))
	else adj = nil
	if synonyms.nouns[noun] then -- tansform the noun into another one supported by language specific lists
		noun = synonyms.nouns[noun]
	if adj and synonyms.adjectives[adj] then
		adj = synonyms.adjectives[adj]
	-- II error messages
	if not langpage.nouns[noun] then 
		return notsupportederror(noun, "A")
	if adj and not langpage.adjectives[adj] then
		return notsupportederror(adj, "B")
	---- III process adj (before noun as it needs the original noun
	--- IIIa preprocessing
	local gender, number, decl = nil, nil, nil -- do not work if they are initialized in an if
	if adj then
		gender = langpage.nouns[noun]['gender']
		if gender == 'm' then gender = 1 end
		if gender == 'f' then gender = 2 end
		if gender == 'n' then gender = 3 end
		number = langpage.nouns[noun]['number']
		if not number then number = 's' end
		decl = langpage.declension[case]
	--- IIIb translation + declension
		---- languages with grammatical flexions
		if type(langpage.adjectives[adj]) == 'table' then 
			if langpage.adjectives[adj]['declension'] == 'regular' then
				adj = langpage.adjectives[adj]['label']
				adj = declension.makeregular(lang, adj, 'adj', number, gender, decl)
			elseif langpage.adj[adj]['declension'] then-- irregular adjectives, delensions provdied on the page
				adj = langpage.adjectives[adj][number][decl][gender]
			else -- languages with gender but no declensions 
				adj = langpage.adjectives[adj]['label']
		--- languages with invariable adjectives
		elseif type(langpage.adjectives[adj]) == 'string' then -- languages with invariable words
				adj = langpage.adjectives[adj]
				adj = 'something wrong with the datatype of adj:' .. adj

	--- IV process noun
	if type(langpage.nouns[noun]) == 'table' then -- complex languages
		if langpage.declension[case] then -- with declension
			noun = langpage.nouns[noun][langpage.declension[case]]
		elseif langpage.nouns[noun]['label'] then -- no declension
			noun = langpage.declension[noun]['label']
			noun = 'error with noun: ' .. noun
	elseif type(langpage.nouns[noun]) == 'string' then -- language with grammatical flexsions
		noun = langpage.nouns[noun]
		noun = 'error with the datatype of noun: ' .. noun
	--V  finalize
	local group = linguistic.noungroup(noun, adj, lang)
	return langpage.nomgroup(group, case, gender, case)

function findlang(lang) -- return the most approriate subpage for the language
	return fallback.fallbackpage('Module:Technique', lang, 'table')

function p.technique(frame) -- main function used by the module
	local args = frame.args
	local lang = args.lang
	if not lang then
		lang = frame:preprocess( "{{int:lang}}" )
	-- escape module for special values with separate translation
	local test = string.lower(args.noun1.. args.adj1 .. args.noun2  .. args.over .. args.on .. args.adjon .. args.mounted)
	if test == 'oilcanvas' then
		return fallback.langSwitch(require('Module:I18n/oil on canvas'), lang)
	elseif (test == 'oilwood') or (test == 'oilwood') then
		return fallback.langSwitch(require('Module:I18n/oil on panel'), lang)
	elseif (test == 'unknwown') then
		return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Temppate:Unknown', args = {'technique'} }

	-- set language
	local l = findlang(lang)
	local langpage = require(l[1])
	local lang= l[2]

	-- group arguments
	local group1 = makegroup(args.noun1, args.adj1, langpage, lang, 'default')
	local group2 = makegroup(args.noun2, args.adj2, langpage, lang, 'default')
	local group3 = makegroup(args.noun3, args.adj3, langpage, lang, 'default')
	local group4 = makegroup(args.noun4, args.adj4, langpage, lang, 'default')
	local group5 = makegroup(args.noun5, args.adj5, langpage, lang, 'default')
	local maingroup = linguistic.conj({group1, group2, group3, group4, group5}, lang) -- technique without "on", "mounted" and "over"
	local overgroup = makegroup(args.over, args.adjover, langpage, lang, 'over')
	local ongroup = makegroup(args.on, args.adjon, langpage, lang, 'on')
	local mountedgroup = makegroup(args.mounted, args.adjmounted, langpage, lang, 'mounted')
	if not overgroup then overgroup = '' end -- groups set to '' so they can be concatenated in the /lang page
	if not ongroup then ongroup = '' end
	if not mountedgroup then mountedgroup = '' end
	return langpage.grouporder(maingroup, overgroup, ongroup, mountedgroup)

return p